Published: 2025-02-28 15:16




なお本件不正契約による、ID・パスワードの流出確認されていないと説明。楽天モバイルの利用者は、自身の「my 楽天モバイル」や利用明細確認し、覚えのない回線がないか確認促す同時に、パスワードの使い回し避け、サービスごと異なるパスワードを設定することを推奨している。


# 言葉 意味
9 ふせい (不正) : injustice; unfairness; wrongdoing; iniquity; impropriety; irregularity; dishonesty; illegality; fraud
8 かいせん (回線) : circuit; line
6 らくてん (楽天) : optimism
6 けいやく (契約) : contract; compact; agreement
5 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
3 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
3 けんち (検知) : detection
3 おぼえ (覚え) : memory; sense; experience
2 じっし (実施) : enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying out; operation; working (e.g. working parameters); enactment
2 りようしゃ (利用者) : user; end-user; consumer
2 ていし (停止) : 1. stoppage; coming to a stop; halt; standstill 2. ceasing (movement, activity, etc.); suspension (of operations); interruption (e.g. of electricity supply); cutting off
2 み (身) : 1. body 2. oneself
1 せいせい (生成) : creation; generation; formation; derivation
1 あくよう (悪用) : abuse; misuse; perversion
1 つうしんかいせん (通信回線) : communication line
1 ちゅうこうせい (中高生) : middle and high-school students
1 ふせいアクセスきんしほう (不正アクセス禁止法) : Unauthorized Computer Access Law (2000); Law Banning Illegal Access
1 うたがい (疑い) : doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion; distrust
1 たいほ (逮捕) : arrest; apprehension; capture
1 ほうどう (報道) : report (of news); reporting; news; information; (media) coverage
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 そうさ (捜査) : search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
1 きょうりょく (協力) : cooperation; collaboration
1 とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue
1 ちゅういかんき (注意喚起) : call for attention; alert; heads-up; reminder
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers
1 にゅうしゅ (入手) : acquisition; obtaining; coming to hand
1 しよう (使用) : use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
1 ふくすう (複数) : plural; multiple; several
1 つうしん (通信) : correspondence; communication; transmission; news; signal; telecommunications
1 どうしゃ (同社) : the same firm
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 うたがわしい (疑わしい) : doubtful; questionable; uncertain; disputable; suspicious
1 しょうかい (照会) : inquiry; enquiry; query; reference
1 ついか (追加) : addition; supplement; appending; appendix
1 けいやくしゃ (契約者) : party to a contract; subscriber; policy owner (insurance)
1 じご (事後) : after; post; ex-; after the fact; ex post
1 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
1 こんご (今後) : from now on; hereafter
1 ぼうし (防止) : prevention; check
1 しくみ (仕組み) : 1. structure; construction; arrangement; contrivance; mechanism; workings 2. plan; plot; contrivance
1 きょうか (強化) : strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification
1 なお (尚) : 1. still; yet 2. more; still more; greater; further
1 ほんけん (本件) : this matter; this case
1 りゅうしゅつ (流出) : 1. discharge; outward flow; efflux; effluence; haemorrhage; hemorrhage; bleeding (e.g. ink into paper) 2. leak of (private) information or pictures
1 じしん (自身) : (one's) self; oneself
1 りようめいさい (利用明細) : account statement
1 うながす (促す) : 1. to urge; to encourage; to press; to prompt; to draw (attention to) 2. to stimulate (e.g. growth); to hasten (e.g. development); to quicken; to accelerate; to promote
1 どうじ (同時) : simultaneous; concurrent; same time; synchronous; together
1 つかいまわし (使い回し) : reuse
1 さける (避ける) : 1. to avoid (physical contact with) 2. to avoid (situation)
1 ごと (毎) : each; every
1 ことなる (異なる) : to differ; to vary; to disagree
1 せってい (設定) : 1. establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene 2. options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup
1 すいしょう (推奨) : recommendation; endorsement
1 うたがう (疑う) : to doubt; to distrust; to be suspicious of; to suspect
1 もうしこみ (申し込み) : application; entry; request; subscription; offer; proposal; overture; challenge
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 せんよう (専用) : 1. (one's) exclusive use; private use; personal use 2. dedicated use; use for a particular purpose
1 まどぐち (窓口) : 1. counter; window; teller window; ticket window 2. contact person; point of contact
1 にょろ (~) : tilde; wave dash