Published: 2024-04-24 08:00

国内カード発行会社のドメイン毎の DMARC 設定率 36.2%「キャッシュレスセキュリティレポート









# 言葉 意味
11 くだん (件) : 1. the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid 2. the usual
7 ふせい (不正) : injustice; unfairness; wrongdoing; iniquity; impropriety; irregularity; dishonesty; illegality; fraud
6 じけん (事件) : event; affair; incident; case; plot; trouble; scandal
4 くらい (位) : 1. throne; crown; (nobleman's) seat 2. government position; court rank
3 しばしば (屡々) : often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
3 けんすう (件数) : number of events (e.g. accidents, crimes, meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page)
3 つうねん (通年) : all year; year round
3 ひがいがく (被害額) : cost of damage
2 かぶしきがいしゃ (株式会社) : stock company; corporation; kabushiki kaisha; KK
2 きょうどう (共同) : doing together (as equals); sharing; common (land, etc.); joint (statement, etc.); cooperation; co-operation; collaboration; association
2 とりまとめる (取りまとめる) : 1. to collect; to gather; to compile; to assemble 2. to arrange; to settle
2 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
2 しはんき (四半期) : quarter (of a year)
2 かいせつ (解説) : explanation; commentary; exposition; elucidation
2 りゅうしゅつ (流出) : 1. discharge; outward flow; efflux; effluence; haemorrhage; hemorrhage; bleeding (e.g. ink into paper) 2. leak of (private) information or pictures
2 ぎょうむ (業務) : business; affairs; duties; work; procedure; task; action; function; (business) operations; operational
2 もちだし (持ち出し) : 1. taking something out; carrying out 2. providing money oneself; paying with one's own money
2 ぜんねん (前年) : the preceding year; the previous year; last year
2 とうよう (盗用) : embezzlement; fraudulent use; plagiarism; appropriation
2 しめる (占める) : 1. to occupy; to hold 2. to account for; to make up; to take up
2 おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart
2 せってい (設定) : 1. establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene 2. options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup
1 かっこ (各個) : every one; each
1 はん (版) : 1. edition; version; printing; impression; implementation (e.g. software) 2. plate; block; cast
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 ぜん (全) : 1. all; whole; entire; complete; total; pan- 2. complete (set); in total
1 っこ (っ子) : someone with a liking or characteristic; a true representative of (place)
1 とうけい (統計) : statistics
1 けいこう (傾向) : tendency; trend; inclination
1 ごと (毎) : each; every
1 こうひょう (公表) : official announcement; proclamation
1 くわえる (加える) : 1. to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex 2. to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up
1 ちょっきん (直近) : latest; most recent; nearest (in time)
1 けいさい (掲載) : publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper); carrying (e.g. a story); running (e.g. a serial); insertion (e.g. of an advertisement); printing; posting (e.g. on the web)
1 たんとうしゃ (担当者) : person in charge (of an area of work); person responsible; contact (person)
1 はけんしゃいん (派遣社員) : temporary employee (esp. from an agency); temporary worker; agency temp
1 くらべる (比べる) : 1. to compare; to make a comparison 2. to compete; to vie
1 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
1 げんしょう (減少) : decrease; reduction; decline
1 はっせい (発生) : 1. outbreak; spring forth; occurrence; incidence 2. generation (e.g. of power or heat); genesis; origin
1 たいはん (大半) : 1. majority; more than half; most (of) 2. mostly; largely; mainly; predominately; nearly
1 ごうけい (合計) : sum total; total amount
1 ぞうか (増加) : increase; rise; growth; addition; increment
1 かこさいた (過去最多) : highest ever (number of); record-high; most on record
1 きろく (記録) : 1. record; minutes; document 2. record (e.g. in sports); results; score
1 ぜんたい (全体) : whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
1 ちゅうもん (注文) : 1. order (for an item) 2. request; demand; condition
1 ねらう (狙う) : 1. to aim at 2. to be after (something); to have an eye on
1 しょうざい (商材) : product; commodity; merchandise
1 ふるさとのうぜい (ふるさと納税) : hometown tax; system in which taxpayers can choose to divert part of their residential tax to a specified local government
1 うら (末) : top end; tip
1 こくない (国内) : internal; domestic
1 はっこうがいしゃ (発行会社) : issuing company (e.g. of a credit card)
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
1 ゆうこう (有効) : 1. valid; effective 2. yuko (judo)
1 もっとも (最も) : most; extremely
1 きょひ (拒否) : refusal; rejection; denial; veto
1 うんよう (運用) : 1. making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) 2. operation; handling; steering (esp. a boat)
1 ほか (他) : 1. other (place, thing, person); the rest 2. outside; beyond
1 じょうほう (情報) : 1. information; news; intelligence; advices 2. information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.