Published: 2024-10-16 06:41

ブックオフ 不正疑いで特別委が調査結果 影響額は計8100万円に








# 言葉 意味
5 ふせい (不正) : injustice; unfairness; wrongdoing; iniquity; impropriety; irregularity; dishonesty; illegality; fraud
3 こがいしゃ (子会社) : subsidiary (company)
3 てんぽ (店舗) : shop; store
3 じゅうぎょういん (従業員) : employee; worker
3 ちょうさ (調査) : investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
3 こうひょう (公表) : official announcement; proclamation
3 えいきょう (影響) : 1. influence; effect 2. to influence; to affect; to have an influence on; to impact; to have an effect on
2 うんえい (運営) : management; administration; operation
2 ふくすう (複数) : plural; multiple; several
2 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
2 うたがい (疑い) : doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion; distrust
2 とくべつ (特別) : special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial
2 いいんかい (委員会) : committee; commission; board; panel; committee meeting
2 ちょうさけっか (調査結果) : results (of a study)
2 かくう (架空) : 1. fictitious; imaginary; fanciful; fabricated 2. aerial; overhead
2 かいとり (買取) : 1. purchase; buying; buying out 2. buying used articles as a company; trade-in; buy back
2 がく (額) : 1. (picture) frame; framed picture 2. amount (esp. of money); sum
2 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
2 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 ちゅうこ (中古) : 1. used; second-hand; old 2. Middle Ages (in Japan esp. Heian period)
1 しょせき (書籍) : book; publication
1 いるい (衣類) : clothes; clothing; garments
1 はんばい (販売) : sales; selling; marketing
1 てがける (手がける) : 1. to handle; to manage; to deal with; to work with; to have experience with 2. to rear; to look after
1 はっかく (発覚) : detection (of a plot, fraud, etc.); discovery; coming to light; being uncovered
1 せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment)
1 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
1 こくない (国内) : internal; domestic
1 ぶしょ (部署) : one's post; one's station; department; bureau; section
1 かいとる (買い取る) : to buy; to purchase
1 きんがく (金額) : amount of money; sum of money
1 みずまし (水増し) : 1. dilution; watering down 2. inflation (of budget, claim, etc.); padding
1 げんきん (現金) : 1. cash; ready money; money on hand; currency 2. mercenary; self-interested; calculating
1 おうりょう (横領) : embezzlement; misappropriation; usurpation
1 くだん (件) : 1. the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid 2. the usual
1 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
1 あがる (上がる) : 1. to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 2. to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to go in
1 けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit
1 ねんかん (年間) : 1. (period of) a year 2. during an era
1 けっさん (決算) : settlement of accounts; closing accounts; financial results; reporting (of accounts)
1 えいぎょうりえき (営業利益) : operating profit
1 けいじょうりえき (経常利益) : current profits; ordinary profit; income before income taxes; ordinary income; operating income
1 いずれ (何れ) : 1. where; which; who 2. anyway; anyhow; at any rate
1 じょうじゅん (上旬) : first 10 days of month
1 めど (目処) : 1. aim; goal 2. prospect; outlook
1 しょぶん (処分) : 1. disposal; throwing away; selling off 2. dealing with (a problem); measure
1 ほりうち (堀内) : Horiuchi (place; surname)
1 こうりゅう (康隆) : Kouryuu (given)
1 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
1 じあん (事案) : concern; circumstance which is becoming a problem; case (court)
1 はっせい (発生) : 1. outbreak; spring forth; occurrence; incidence 2. generation (e.g. of power or heat); genesis; origin
1 かんり (管理) : control; management (e.g. of a business)
1 たいせい (態勢) : attitude; posture; preparedness; readiness
1 さだめる (定める) : 1. to decide; to determine 2. to establish; to lay down; to prescribe; to provide; to stipulate
1 まもる (守る) : 1. to protect; to guard; to defend 2. to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe; to obey; to follow
1 みすごす (見過ごす) : to let go by; to let pass; to overlook; to miss
1 はいけい (背景) : 1. background; scenery; backdrop; setting 2. background (of an incident, situation, etc.); circumstances; context
1 こんご (今後) : from now on; hereafter
1 ないぶ (内部) : interior; inside; internal
1 さい (再) : re-; again; repeated; deutero-; deuto-; deuter-
1 こうちく (構築) : construction; building; putting up; erecting; creation; formulation; architecture (systems, agreement, etc.)
1 さいはつぼうし (再発防止) : preventive measure; recurrence prevention; relapse prevention
1 つなげる (繋げる) : 1. to connect 2. to tie; to fasten
1 はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss