Published: 2023-03-14 11:44






学術『The Astrophysical Journal』に発表されたばかりのこの理論は、18年から太陽への接近飛行繰り返している米航空宇宙局(NASA)の自動車サイズの探査機「パーカー・ソーラー・プローブ」が撮影したデータから浮かび上がった。パーカー・ソーラー・プローブは、太陽風特性測定し、太陽表面から1,300マイル(2,100km)上空にあるコロナの外周おける熱とエネルギーの流れたどっている。



























# 言葉 意味
28 たいよう (太陽) : sun
26 たいようふう (太陽風) : solar wind
20 ふんしゅつ (噴出) : spewing; gushing; spouting; eruption; effusion
16 びしょう (微小) : microscopic
8 かつどう (活動) : 1. activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action 2. movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
7 じば (磁場) : 1. magnetic field 2. ambience; atmosphere; focal point
7 かんそく (観測) : observation; survey; measurement
6 げんしょう (現象) : phenomenon
6 はっせい (発生) : 1. outbreak; spring forth; occurrence; incidence 2. generation (e.g. of power or heat); genesis; origin
6 みなもと (源) : 1. source (of a river); fountainhead 2. source; origin; root
6 りろん (理論) : theory
6 しめす (示す) : 1. to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to tell; to exemplify; to make apparent 2. to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)
5 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
5 ぶつりがくしゃ (物理学者) : physicist
5 わたしたち (私たち) : we; us
5 そんざい (存在) : existence; being
4 たんさき (探査機) : (space) probe
4 たいき (大気) : 1. atmosphere; air 2. magnanimity; generosity
4 ながれ (流れ) : 1. flow (of a fluid or gas); stream; current 2. flow (of people, things); passage (of time); tide; passing; (changing) trends; tendency
4 ちきゅう (地球) : Earth; the globe
4 かいぞうど (解像度) : resolution (of a display, printer, scanner, etc.)
4 けんきゅうしょ (研究所) : research establishment; research institute; laboratory
4 かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration
4 ばくはつ (爆発) : 1. explosion; detonation; eruption 2. eruption (of discontent, etc.); outburst; outpouring
3 ようし (陽子) : proton
3 なぞ (謎) : 1. riddle; puzzle; enigma; mystery 2. enigmatic; mysterious
3 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
3 えいせい (衛星) : 1. (natural) satellite; moon 2. (artificial) satellite
3 かいめい (解明) : elucidation; explication; explaining; unravelling; clarification; understanding
3 だんぞくてき (断続的) : intermittent
3 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
3 ひょうめん (表面) : 1. surface; face 2. outside; exterior
3 かのうせい (可能性) : potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
3 しくみ (仕組み) : 1. structure; construction; arrangement; contrivance; mechanism; workings 2. plan; plot; contrivance
3 えいきょう (影響) : 1. influence; effect 2. to influence; to affect; to have an influence on; to impact; to have an effect on
3 あたえる (与える) : 1. to give (esp. to someone of lower status); to bestow; to grant; to confer; to present; to award 2. to provide; to afford; to offer; to supply
3 しょうめい (証明) : proof; testimony; demonstration; verification; certification
3 はっけん (発見) : discovery; detection; finding
3 かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense
3 かたる (語る) : 1. to talk about; to speak of; to tell; to narrate 2. to recite; to chant
3 よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on
3 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
3 そくど (速度) : 1. speed; velocity; pace; rate 2. velocity
3 ろんぶん (論文) : thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
3 はんてん (反転) : 1. rolling over; turning over 2. turning around (the other way); reversal (of direction, course, etc.); inversion; flipping
3 ほうしゅつ (放出) : release; emission; ejection
3 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
2 うちゅうくうかん (宇宙空間) : outer space; void of space
2 かつて (嘗て) : 1. once; before; formerly; ever; former; ex- 2. never yet; never before; first time; still not happened
2 おんど (温度) : temperature
2 たいようけい (太陽系) : solar system
2 ぜんたい (全体) : whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
2 ていぶ (底部) : base; bottom
2 ひこう (飛行) : 1. aviation; flight; flying 2. to fly; to take a flight
2 さつえい (撮影) : photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording
2 そくてい (測定) : measurement
2 さい (最) : 1. the most; the extreme 2. prime; conspicuous
2 しつりょう (質量) : mass
2 うらづける (裏付ける) : to support (a theory, claim, etc.); to back up; to substantiate; to prove
2 あきらか (明らか) : 1. clear; obvious; evident; plain; definite 2. bright; light
2 かがくしゃ (科学者) : scientist
2 りかい (理解) : understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
2 かせつ (仮説) : hypothesis; supposition; assumption; tentative theory
2 しょうこ (証拠) : evidence; proof
2 うちゅう (宇宙) : universe; cosmos; space
2 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
2 ひきいる (率いる) : to lead; to spearhead (a group); to command (troops)
2 じゅうよう (重要) : important; momentous; essential; principal; major
2 つながる (繋がる) : 1. to be tied together; to be connected to; to be linked to 2. to lead to; to be related to
2 こうおん (高温) : high temperature
2 きょくせい (極性) : polarity
2 わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
2 じょうぶ (上部) : top part; surface
2 おきる (起きる) : 1. to get up; to rise; to blaze up (fire) 2. to wake up; to be awake; to stay awake
2 うみだす (生み出す) : 1. to create; to bring forth; to produce 2. to invent; to think up and bring into being
2 しばしば (屡々) : often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
2 えんかく (遠隔) : distant; remote; isolated
2 しゅうかい (周回) : 1. going around; orbiting; circling 2. circumference; girth; surroundings
2 さつぞう (撮像) : taking a picture; taking an image; imaging
2 へんどう (変動) : change; fluctuation
2 あんてい (安定) : stability; steadiness; equilibrium
2 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
2 つまり (詰まり) : 1. that is to say; that is; in other words; I mean; that (this, it) means 2. in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run; when all is said and done; what it all comes down to; when you get right down to it; basically
2 おこす (起こす) : 1. to raise; to raise up; to set up; to pick up 2. to wake; to wake up; to waken; to awaken
2 てんもんだい (天文台) : astronomical observatory
2 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
2 こうせい (恒星) : (fixed) star (i.e. not a planet, meteorite, etc.)
2 わくせい (惑星) : planet
2 たんいつ (単一) : single; simple; sole; individual; unitary
2 なめらか (滑らか) : 1. smooth (of a surface); glassy; velvety; soft 2. smooth (of an action, proceedings, etc.); fluent (speech); fluid; trouble-free
2 じょうほう (情報) : 1. information; news; intelligence; advices 2. information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
2 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 じそく (時速) : speed (per hour)
1 びょう (秒) : 1. second (unit of time) 2. arc second
1 ふきだす (吹き出す) : 1. to spout out; to spurt out; to gush out; to jet out 2. to sprout; to bud
1 ながれる (流れる) : 1. to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to run (ink) 2. to be washed away; to be carried
1 でんし (電子) : 1. electron 2. electronic
1 もうれつ (猛烈) : fierce; intense; severe; violent; strong; vehement; terrific; terrible
1 つつむ (包む) : 1. to wrap up; to pack; to bundle; to do up 2. to cover; to envelop; to shroud; to engulf
1 とらえる (捉える) : 1. to catch; to capture; to seize; to arrest; to grab; to catch hold of 2. to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to capture (e.g. features)
1 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
1 すがた (姿) : 1. figure; form; shape 2. appearance; dress; guise
1 かせい (火星) : Mars (planet)
1 うばう (奪う) : to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal
1 にんしき (認識) : recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance
1 こおり (氷) : 1. ice 2. shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
1 もたらす (齎す) : to bring; to take; to bring about
1 せつ (説) : 1. theory; doctrine 2. opinion; view
1 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
1 きらめく (煌めく) : to glitter; to glisten; to sparkle; to twinkle; to glare; to gleam
1 つうしんシステム (通信システム) : communication system
1 こんらん (混乱) : disorder; chaos; confusion; mayhem
1 つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
1 たっする (達する) : to reach; to get to; to arrive at
1 とどく (届く) : 1. to reach; to touch; to get to; to carry (of sound) 2. to be delivered; to arrive
1 かそく (加速) : acceleration; speeding up
1 けんきゅうしゃ (研究者) : researcher
1 ときあかす (解き明かす) : to explain; to dispel doubts
1 じょうそう (上層) : upper stratum (classes, stories, storeys); upper layer; layer above
1 がくじゅつ (学術) : science; learning; scholarship; arts and sciences; academic pursuits
1 し (誌) : magazine
1 せっきん (接近) : 1. getting closer; drawing nearer; approaching 2. being not much different; being near (age, skill, etc.)
1 くりかえす (繰り返す) : to repeat; to do something over again
1 こうくううちゅうきょく (航空宇宙局) : National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NASA (organization)
1 うかびあがる (浮かび上がる) : 1. to rise to the surface 2. to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity)
1 とくせい (特性) : special characteristic; special quality; trait; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity
1 じょうくう (上空) : sky; the skies; high-altitude sky; upper air
1 がいしゅう (外周) : outer circumference
1 ぶ (部) : 1. department (in an organization); division; bureau 2. club
1 おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart
1 たどる (辿る) : to follow (road); to pursue (course); to follow up; to follow (hyperlink)
1 へんざい (遍在) : omnipresence; ubiquity
1 きょうりょく (強力) : powerful; strong
1 ちじょう (地上) : 1. above ground; surface; overground 2. earth; world
1 ぼうえんきょう (望遠鏡) : telescope
1 ふかく (深く) : deeply; intimately; heartily; sincerely; profoundly
1 とっぷう (突風) : gust (of wind); blast
1 せいめい (生命) : 1. life; existence 2. (one's) working life; career
1 よそく (予測) : prediction; estimation
1 そそる (唆る) : to excite; to incite; to stimulate; to arouse; to tempt; to stir up
1 おうようぶつりがく (応用物理学) : applied physics
1 だんかい (段階) : grade; level; stage; class; phase; steps; order; gradation
1 しれる (知れる) : 1. to become known; to come to light; to be discovered 2. to be known; to be understood
1 しんずる (信ずる) : to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in
1 ゆらい (由来) : 1. origin; source; history; derivation 2. originally; from the start; by nature
1 ふる (古) : 1. used item; secondhand item 2. old; used; previous
1 ていあん (提案) : proposal; proposition; suggestion
1 しょとう (初頭) : beginning (of a century, etc.)
1 いらい (以来) : since; henceforth
1 はやく (早く) : 1. early; soon 2. quickly; swiftly; rapidly; fast
1 とおく (遠く) : far away; distant; at a distance; distant place; by far
1 まで (迄) : 1. until (a time); till; to; up to 2. to (a place); as far as
1 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
1 かかえる (抱える) : 1. to hold or carry under or in the arms 2. to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.)
1 いずれ (何れ) : 1. where; which; who 2. anyway; anyhow; at any rate
1 めもり (目盛り) : gradations (on a ruler, thermometer, etc.); division; scale
1 おしだす (押し出す) : 1. to crowd out; to push out; to squeeze out 2. to start together; to set out en masse
1 いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand
1 きょくいき (極域) : polar region
1 じき (磁気) : magnetism
1 おびる (帯びる) : 1. to wear (sword, decoration, etc.); to carry 2. to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission); to take on
1 ふきだす (吹き出す) : 1. to spout out; to spurt out; to gush out; to jet out 2. to sprout; to bud
1 ぎゃく (逆) : 1. reverse; opposite 2. converse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
1 えんすい (円錐) : cone
1 こうぞう (構造) : structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern
1 こんげん (根源) : root; source; origin; cause
1 かんさつ (観察) : observation; survey; watching
1 ゆれうごく (揺れ動く) : 1. to shake; to tremble; to sway; to flicker 2. to be unsettled; to be unstable; to fluctuate; to waver (e.g. between options); to vacillate; to seesaw
1 はんぱつ (反発) : 1. opposition; rebellion; revolt; resistance; backlash; refusal 2. rebounding; recoiling; repulsion
1 りょういき (領域) : area; domain; territory; field; range; region; regime
1 きょうせいてき (強制的) : forced; compulsory
1 むすびつける (結び付ける) : to combine; to join; to tie on; to attach with a knot; to bind (e.g. an address)
1 けつごう (結合) : 1. combination; union; binding; catenation; coupling; joining 2. bond
1 はじける (弾ける) : 1. to burst open; to split open; to pop 2. to be bursting with (e.g. youth, laughter, flavor)
1 うつる (移る) : 1. to move (house); to transfer (department) 2. to change the target of interest or concern
1 きほんてき (基本的) : fundamental; basic
1 そのまま (其のまま) : 1. without change; as is 2. just like; extremely similar
1 ほうち (放置) : leaving as is; leaving alone; leaving to chance; neglecting; abandoning
1 はたらく (働く) : 1. to work; to labor; to labour 2. to function; to operate; to be effective; to work (i.e. ... works); to come into play
1 きみょう (奇妙) : strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious
1 つうか (通過) : 1. passing through (a tunnel, station, town, etc.); passing by (e.g. of a typhoon); transit 2. passage (of a bill, e.g. through parliament); carriage
1 きわ (際) : 1. edge; brink; verge; side 2. time; moment of
1 むき (向き) : 1. direction; orientation; aspect; exposure 2. suited to; suitable for; designed for
1 そのあと (その後) : after that; afterwards; thereafter
1 ひんぱん (頻繁) : frequent; incessant
1 たいきけん (大気圏) : the atmosphere
1 さぐる (探る) : 1. to feel around for; to fumble for; to grope for; to search for; to look for 2. to investigate; to probe into; to spy on; to sound out
1 けっせい (結成) : formation; combination
1 おもいうかべる (思い浮かべる) : to be reminded of; to call to mind
1 みつかる (見つかる) : to be found; to be discovered
1 ぶっしつ (物質) : 1. material; substance 2. matter
1 さいしゅ (採取) : picking; collecting; harvesting
1 ちかづく (近づく) : 1. to approach; to draw near; to get close 2. to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know
1 とける (溶ける) : 1. to melt; to thaw; to fuse 2. to dissolve
1 たんさ (探査) : probe; inquiry; enquiry; investigation
1 ちょう (超) : 1. super-; ultra-; hyper-; extreme 2. extremely; really; totally; absolutely
1 こうこうど (高高度) : high altitude
1 きしょうえいせい (気象衛星) : weather satellite
1 とうさい (搭載) : 1. loading (on board); equipping 2. equipped (with); built-in
1 しがい (紫外) : ultraviolet; UV
1 うつわ (器) : 1. bowl; vessel; container 2. ability; capacity; calibre; caliber
1 かぶ (下部) : 1. lower part; substructure 2. subordinate (office); good and faithful servant
1 ぶんせき (分析) : analysis
1 きょうちょ (共著) : joint authorship; co-authorship; collaboration; joint work
1 あんのじょう (案の定) : just as one thought; as usual; sure enough
1 けっていてき (決定的) : definite; final; decisive; conclusive
1 いたる (至る) : 1. to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to attain 2. to lead to (a place); to get to
1 しかも (然も) : 1. moreover; furthermore 2. nevertheless; and yet
1 けんさく (検索) : looking up (e.g. a word in a dictionary); retrieval (e.g. data); searching for; referring to
1 さかのぼる (遡る) : 1. to go upstream 2. to go back (in time, to origin); to date back to; to trace back to; to make retroactive
1 たいようフレア (太陽フレア) : solar flare
1 しゅうき (周期) : cycle; period
1 ひろく (広く) : widely; far and wide; extensively; universally
1 まんえん (蔓延) : spread (e.g. of a disease); rampancy; infestation; proliferation; being widespread
1 おおまか (大まか) : 1. rough (estimate, outline, etc.); broad; general; loose 2. generous; openhanded
1 けいさん (計算) : 1. calculation; reckoning; count 2. forecast
1 じっし (実施) : enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying out; operation; working (e.g. working parameters); enactment
1 さいだい (最大) : biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
1 まいびょう (毎秒) : every second
1 うしなう (失う) : 1. to lose 2. to miss (a change, opportunity)
1 すうち (数値) : 1. numerical value; numerics 2. reading (on a meter, etc.)
1 ひかく (比較) : comparison
1 へんか (変化) : 1. change; variation; alteration; mutation; transition; transformation; transfiguration; metamorphosis 2. variety; diversity
1 せいど (精度) : precision; accuracy
1 ふきょく (負極) : negative pole; anode; south magnetic pole
1 せいきょく (正極) : cathode; positive pole; positive electrode
1 まだら (真鱈) : Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
1 いりまじる (入り混じる) : to mix with; to be mixed; to be mingled
1 りょうきょく (両極) : 1. both extremities 2. North and South Poles
1 りんせつ (隣接) : adjacency; contiguity; being adjoined
1 ぶぶん (部分) : portion; section; part
1 けつろん (結論) : conclusion
1 ごうりてき (合理的) : rational; reasonable; logical
1 うたがい (疑い) : doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion; distrust
1 およぶ (及ぶ) : 1. to reach; to amount to; to befall; to happen to; to extend; to go on (for, until) 2. to be up to the task; to come up to
1 ていど (程度) : degree; amount; grade; standard; of the order of (following a number); about; approximately
1 ぜんしん (前進) : advance; moving forward; progress
1 ちきゅうかんきょう (地球環境) : global environment
1 ようそ (要素) : 1. component; factor; item (e.g. in list) 2. element (e.g. in array); member (e.g. data structure)
1 まなぶ (学ぶ) : to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
1 ぶつりがく (物理学) : physics
1 うちゅうぶつりがく (宇宙物理学) : astrophysics
1 ゆいいつ (唯一) : only; sole; unique
1 おうよう (応用) : 1. (practical) application; putting to practical use 2. applied
1 ぶんや (分野) : field; sphere; realm; division; branch
1 せんざいてき (潜在的) : latent; potential
1 ゆうがい (有害) : harmful; hazardous
1 うちゅうせん (宇宙線) : cosmic ray
1 まもる (守る) : 1. to protect; to guard; to defend 2. to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe; to obey; to follow
1 みだす (乱す) : to throw into disorder; to disarrange; to disturb (order, peace, etc.); to corrupt (public morals); to dishevel (hair)
1 ぜんちきゅうそくいシステム (全地球測位システム) : global positioning system; GPS
1 じんこうえいせい (人工衛星) : artificial satellite; man-made satellite
1 うんよう (運用) : 1. making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) 2. operation; handling; steering (esp. a boat)
1 ひきおこす (引き起こす) : 1. to cause; to induce; to bring about; to provoke 2. to pull upright; to help up (e.g. a fallen person)
1 おそく (遅く) : 1. late 2. slowly
1 けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit
1 ぞうげん (増減) : increase and decrease; fluctuation
1 れんぞく (連続) : continuation; succession; series
1 ぎもん (疑問) : doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
1 なげかける (投げかける) : to throw at; to turn; to raise
1 げんどうりょく (原動力) : motive power; driving force
1 たてる (立てる) : 1. to stand up; to put up; to set up; to erect; to raise 2. to thrust into; to bury into; to dig into
1 よぶ (呼ぶ) : 1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
1 しゅうごう (集合) : 1. meeting up; gathering; assembly 2. set
1 さよう (作用) : action; operation; effect; function
1 してき (指摘) : pointing out; identification
1 すいしんりょく (推進力) : propulsive power; driving force
1 ないぶ (内部) : interior; inside; internal
1 だとう (妥当) : valid; proper; right; appropriate; reasonable
1 かんがえかた (考え方) : way of thinking
1 じたい (自体) : 1. itself 2. one's own body; oneself
1 おどろく (驚く) : to be surprised; to be astonished
1 しょうきぼ (小規模) : small scale
1 しょうじる (生じる) : 1. to produce; to yield; to cause 2. to result from; to arise; to be generated
1 ゆういぎ (有意義) : significant; useful; meaningful; worthwhile; valuable; of interest
1 きよ (寄与) : contribution; service
1 しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel
1 しさ (示唆) : suggestion; hint; implication
1 きょうがく (驚愕) : astonishment; amazement; surprise; fright; shock
1 かんよ (関与) : participation; taking part in; participating in; being concerned in
1 きょうきゅう (供給) : supply; provision
1 けんとう (検討) : consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion; analysis; review
1 かち (価値) : value; worth; merit
1 まさに (正に) : 1. exactly; surely; certainly; just 2. right then; just then; at that moment
1 とりくむ (取り組む) : 1. to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against 2. to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on
1 かしょうひょうか (過小評価) : underestimation; undervaluation
1 すでに (既に) : already; too late
1 はんめい (判明) : establishing; proving; ascertaining; identifying; confirming
1 とうしょ (当初) : 1. beginning; start; outset 2. at first; at the beginning; initially; originally
1 わりあてる (割り当てる) : to assign; to allot; to allocate; to divide among; to distribute; to prorate; to apportion
1 ひじょう (非常) : 1. emergency 2. extraordinary; unusual
1 ちょうこう (兆候) : sign; indication; omen; symptom
1 ついせきちょうさ (追跡調査) : follow-up (tracing) survey
1 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
1 こんか (今夏) : this summer; next summer; last summer
1 おうしゅううちゅうきかん (欧州宇宙機関) : European Space Agency (organization)
1 たいようぼうえんきょう (太陽望遠鏡) : solar telescope; helioscope
1 ふくむ (含む) : 1. to contain; to comprise; to have; to hold; to include; to embrace 2. to hold in the mouth
1 しょうらいてき (将来的) : future; possible; potential; prospective
1 ちょくせつ (直接) : direct; immediate; personal; firsthand
1 じき (次期) : 1. next term; next period 2. next version; next release
1 むすびつける (結び付ける) : to combine; to join; to tie on; to attach with a knot; to bind (e.g. an address)
1 せいしつ (性質) : nature; property; disposition
1 せいかく (正確) : accurate; correct; precise; exact
1 はっせいげん (発生源) : source; origin
1 くみあわせる (組み合わせる) : to join together; to combine; to join up
1 とうごう (統合) : integration; unification; unity; combination; consolidation; synthesis
1 てき (的) : 1. -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y 2. -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of
1 はあく (把握) : grasp; catch; understanding
1 だいはっけん (大発見) : breakthrough; great discovery
1 いっぽ (一歩) : 1. (a) step; one step 2. level; stage; step
1 かくしん (確信) : conviction; belief; confidence
1 いきる (生きる) : 1. to live; to exist 2. to make a living; to subsist
1 あるいみ (ある意味) : in a sense; in some way; to an extent
1 よろこぶ (喜ぶ) : 1. to be delighted; to be glad; to be pleased 2. to congratulate