Published: 2025-01-10 16:53

新型ヒョンデ インスターは超キュート!!! カワイイEVが日本上陸へ


【写真を見る】見ても乗ってもキュート!!! 新型インスターの全貌はこちら(51枚)





運転支援装備では、「Hyundai SmartSense」を搭載高速道路前方車両との車間距離維持する高速道路ドライビングアシスト(HDA)や、周囲状況をモニターに表示するサラウンドビューモニター (SVM)採用した。さらに、ペダルの踏み間違いによる急加速抑制する、ダル踏み間違いセーフティアシスト(PMSA)をヒョンデ車として採用する。


# 言葉 意味
5 しんがた (新型) : new type; new style; new model; new strain (e.g. infectious disease)
4 さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
3 とうさい (搭載) : 1. loading (on board); equipping 2. equipped (with); built-in
2 とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo
2 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
2 こうせき (後席) : back seat; rear seat
2 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
2 きのう (機能) : function; facility; faculty; feature
2 こうそくどうろ (高速道路) : highway; freeway; expressway; motorway
2 ふむ (踏む) : 1. to step on; to tread on; to trample on 2. to set foot on (e.g. foreign soil); to stand on; to visit
2 まちがい (間違い) : 1. mistake; error; blunder 2. accident; mishap; trouble
1 かいさい (開催) : holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics)
1 ちばけん (千葉県) : Chiba prefecture (Kanto area)
1 まくはりメッセ (幕張メッセ) : Makuharimesse (unclass)
1 ひろう (披露) : announcement; presentation; demonstration; displaying; showing; introducing; exhibiting; unveiling; revealing; showcasing; performing; giving a rendition
1 のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount
1 ぜんぼう (全貌) : whole story; full picture; full particulars
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 ぜん (全) : 1. all; whole; entire; complete; total; pan- 2. complete (set); in total
1 ぜんぷく (全幅) : 1. full; wholehearted; utmost; all; every 2. overall width
1 とくちょう (特徴) : feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction
1 えんけい (円形) : round shape; circle; circular form
1 きちょう (基調) : 1. basic tone; underlying tone; basic theme; basis; keynote 2. trend
1 したしみ (親しみ) : intimacy; affection; familiarity
1 ちからづよい (力強い) : 1. powerful; strong; forceful; vigorous 2. reassuring; encouraging
1 よくよう (抑揚) : intonation; accent; modulation; inflection
1 きょうつう (共通) : 1. common; shared; mutual 2. to be common (to); to be shared (by)
1 ずいしょ (随所) : everywhere; at every turn
1 でんし (電子) : 1. electron 2. electronic
1 せいぎょ (制御) : 1. control (of a machine, device, etc.) 2. control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management; suppression; keeping in check
1 ぜんせき (前席) : front seat
1 すっきり : 1. refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; pleasantly; (a weight) off one's shoulder 2. shapely; neatly; refinedly
1 こうぞう (構造) : structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern
1 よゆう (余裕) : 1. surplus; margin; leeway; room; space; time; allowance; flexibility; scope 2. composure; placidity; complacency; calm
1 あしもと (足元) : 1. at one's feet; underfoot; one's step (as in "watch your step") 2. gait; pace; step
1 かくほ (確保) : 1. securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining 2. belay; belaying
1 なお (尚) : 1. still; yet 2. more; still more; greater; further
1 ぜんご (前後) : 1. front and rear; front and back; before and behind; back and forth 2. before and after
1 とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue
1 ちょうせい (調整) : adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring
1 くどう (駆動) : driving force
1 ようりょう (容量) : 1. capacity; volume 2. capacitance
1 こうしゃ (後者) : the latter
1 じゅうでん (充電) : 1. charging (electrically) 2. electrification
1 こうぞくきょり (航続距離) : cruising range; flying range
1 たっする (達する) : to reach; to get to; to arrive at
1 かいせいブレーキ (回生ブレーキ) : regenerative brake
1 きょうど (強度) : 1. strength; intensity 2. strong (e.g. glasses); powerful (e.g. lens); intense (e.g. fear); extreme
1 だんかい (段階) : grade; level; stage; class; phase; steps; order; gradation
1 もしくは (若しくは) : or; otherwise
1 じどう (自動) : 1. automatic 2. intransitive verb
1 せんたく (選択) : selection; choice; option
1 こうりつてき (効率的) : efficient
1 うんてん (運転) : 1. operation (of a machine, etc.); operating; running; run 2. driving
1 しえん (支援) : support; backing; aid; assistance
1 そうび (装備) : equipment
1 ぜんぽう (前方) : 1. forward; frontward; ahead 2. rectangular front
1 しゃりょう (車両) : rolling stock; railroad cars; wheeled vehicles
1 しゃかん (車間) : (distance) between two cars
1 きょり (距離) : distance; range
1 いじ (維持) : maintenance; preservation; improvement
1 しゅうい (周囲) : 1. surroundings; environs 2. circumference
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
1 ひょうじ (表示) : 1. indication; expression; showing; manifestation; demonstration 2. display; displaying
1 など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something
1 かそく (加速) : acceleration; speeding up
1 よくせい (抑制) : control; restraint; suppression; constraint; curtailment; inhibition; check; curb
1 べ : 1. word used at sentence-end (like a particle) to indicate speculation, volition or invitation 2. familiar suffix used after a personal name
1 はつ (初) : first; new
1 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost